Monday, July 27, 2009


I hate baking a lot during the summer. My kitchen gets hot and I get cranky. But yesterday I had the itch, so to speak, so I made my family a little coffee cake. Now, I have to confess, I'm famous for adding chocolate chips to anything I possibly can. So when I found a Chocolate Chip Coffee Cake recipe, I just knew it was meant to be.

So here's the Anticlimactic part. I don't have a picture.

See, the whole thing is gone. Scarfed. My family has apparently been more deprived than I originally thought because they devoured the whole darn thing. Tears may have even streamed down my daughter's face at some point as she sighed, "This is the BEST thing I've ever put in my mouth!" By the time my camera battery was fully charged, there was nothing left but crumbs.

Anyway, try it. I definitely give it 4 stars. While I try not to adjust recipes too much, I did add 1/2 a cup of applesauce (as suggested by those intrepid reviewers!) because there's nothing worse than dried out coffee cake. Plus that makes it healthy, right?

1 comment:

Sally Annie Magundy said...

Hi Alison,

Long time no speakie with you! I always think of you when it's time for Top Chef Masters - isn't it the best?! I don't know what on earth I've been up to - sure doesn't seem like much!!! I seem to get less and less done as the days go by. WAH!

There's a great restaurant in Culver City that has a yummy coffee cake/crumb cake thingy with chocolate chips. Delicious. Hmmmmm ... now I want to go make some coffee cake with chocolate chips. I've been making one forever (that doesn't include that magical chocolate ingredient) that has sour cream in it to make it moist - apple sauce sounds like a great addition too.

Hope your little guy is done with all his dentist visits and you're all enjoying your summer.